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Blog - extractor

How to Blast safely - BHO Extraction Tube by Extractionproz

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1. Take your Plant Extraction Tube and make sure it is properly cleaned and dry.
2. Fill your Extraction Tube with your desired dry plant material. (Make sure the material is fully dried and coarsely ground)
3. Apply your desired micron size filter to the open end and clamp it tight with a steel hose clamp. (We prefer two coffee filters doubled up)
4. Place the tube over an open container and run butane fluid through the tube. Keeping the tube in an upright position at all times. Be sure to wear gloves and safety glasses at all times.
5. Once the extraction fluid has been completely depleted into the container, place the container into a well ventilated area. (The butane will start to evaporate rapidly)
6. Allow the extraction fluid to completely evaporate. (This process can take 24-48 hours) You can use an electric hot plate to speed this up - DO NOT USE AN OPEN FLAME SOURCE to heat up
7. Remove spent plant material from tube and discard.
8. Clean and dry tube and filter.

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